القائمة الرئيسية
Company’s Values
Company’s Values

Palestine Insurance Company is committed to a set of values and principles to all parties, including its clients, employees, shareholders, regulators and the local community, which are presented as follows: 


Our commitment towards our insurers stems from them being the center of our care. We are committed to provide the best services to the insurers, the high credibility in dealing with them and we take responsibility towards them.

Our staff:

Our commitment towards our employees stems from the fact that they are the real capital. The company is committed to continuously train and develop the capabilities and skills of its employees and to provide a comfortable and encouraging working environment for creativity and innovation.


Our commitment to our shareholders is to continuously strive to achieve the best returns on their investments; by continuing to develop the business of the company, and not to expose the company to any risks that may result in losses. 


Adopt the best standards of corporate governance, transparency, disclosure and to implement all the systems, instructions and laws that will insure the achievement of the public interest. 

Local community:

By promoting the principle of social responsibility through its commitment to support and encourage community-based development initiatives and provide assistance to the local community

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